Monday, January 26, 2009


Ok so I'm back for the first time allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kevin and I Am... many things which you will see in my blogs cuz what you write is a self reflection as is everything else. This blog "A Perspective Different" is pretty much about how I see things and I don't see things in one way, I try to see every way. Some perceptions are easily broken, while others are not and are agured throughout our "time" before during and after. I just started taking philosophy and what my teacher is teaching is pretty much exactly how I am and think, it's weird but interesting so you'll probably notice a lot being incorporated in what I write because that's me. So drop comments, tell me what you think, give me topics to talk about or points of view, show me some interesting stuff to think about.... just talk to me pretty much.

I'll be back with my thoughts sooner or later, doing what bloggers do i guess...
I just want to make people think and change

"I'm not saying I'll change the world,
but I guarantee I'll spark the brain that will change the world" -2Pac Shakur

1 comment:

  1. Kevinnn(: your a really cool kid(: you remind me of a teddy bear (: with your chunky cheeks and your big smile (: haha(:
