Tuesday, April 21, 2009

You Do What You Have To Do

Back in 2003 there was this 13 year old girl, Savanna Redding, who was strip searched at school because she was said to possess potentially lethal over the counter medication. Basically the story was that an honor student and other students told the principle and faculty that she had ibuprofen pills. They immediately called her down to the office. A school nurse and assistant principle stripped searched to find the alleged pills. In the end the girl didn't have the pills.

Now Savanna is 19 and going to the Supreme Court to fight her case for the 3rd time on a higher level. Two courts have already ruled that the school had every right to search her. She says she since then has been traumatized, has few friend, trust issues, and rarely goes outside. Out of emotion and personal morality you might think this was totally wrong and the school should never had the right to perform the search. I seem to have the perspective difference, and I as well as the other two court hearings agree that the school had the right. people are devastated because they searched her and found nothing, well what if they did? Would you change your mind on how the situation was handled? If they found the drugs on her, you would be applauding the school staff for handling it so well. These are safety precautions, we do them for a reason. The situation might have not ended so good if the outcome had changed. On the other hand pills are extremely hard to find and can be hidden virtually anywhere on/in your body. Some people think they should have notified her parents, well what difference would it have made? Parents wouldn't be comfortable and if she had nothing to hide there should be no problem. Some people think age makes a difference. Drugs and illegal items or substances are still illegal and harmful whether your 7 or 70. Maybe a strip search has a little harsh, but you have to do what you have to do if you want to do your job, and the school staff is there to secure their kids, the students. Some people also say you could get ten kids to lie about something, but do we not trust the kids and see what happens or do we at least figure out the truth and ensure safety. Listening to is beneficial, I mean why do you think there are crime watchers hot line numbers and ways to inform the government when there might be an attack.

In the end I think the school board did the right think and it's justified. The real question is what do you think?


  1. Ok my opinion is they did do the right thing by searching her, but they should not have strip searched her. Even if she did have drugs and was a terrible person no one has the right to traumatize someone for the rest of their life because of something they did and didnt have solid proof. They were way out of line by having the first step the take be so extreme. they should have searched her house, talked to her family and friends before so they could find out if there was even a possibility that she was doing drugs; which there wasnt because as you said she was a good kid.

  2. I think they did their job. So what that they didn't find anything. It just like at the airport when everyone has to go through the x-ray machine. It's just a precaution against dangerous situations. If they had found something I think they girl would've behaved the same way just because of the search. If they hadn't done the search others at her school would think they could get away with the same crime.
