Thursday, May 14, 2009

Health & Shape

So I'm pretty sre you all know about your health and how in shape you are. You've robably heard everything I know so there's not really much to tell you about it. The thing is that it feels amazing. Even though it seem shallow, we do looks upon looks a lot, but you can't help it that's the main way we perceive. Shape is a good representation of your health for the most part. I like working out and just getting stronger, the looks are second. Now that I startedwith football I feel like I'm in real shape again. I haven't been like this since I was in boxing. Since we always want the hard things in life, I've always wanted abs,becasue I have been a little big. Now i finally feel like im my closest to it and that's my motivation for t, and to soon love everything we do and get past how hard it is. I can't wait til A.D. (active Dynamics) is a piece of cake. So right now I'm eating this chinese food like a beast, I got home a little bit ago from a long practice. I feel good, and want to get better. Do your thing be better, look better, and feel better.


  1. I agree. Staying in shape and being healthy not only looks good, but feels good also. When you are in shape and working out you feel better throughout the day. If you are in shape you are less likely to feel exhausted in school, but instead you will feel great throughout the day and be able to fall asleep at a normal time a night. There are no downsides to staying in shape unless you count the actual working out part. So by staying in shape you will not only feel healthy but look healthy as well!

  2. That's great that your finally gonna reach your goal. But I got to ask something. Isn't chinese food, like, not healthy? Well, I guess some of it is, but generally no. Unless, I don't know, you eat only broccoli and fortune cookies. Those are good, too.
    But seriously, I wish I was as motivated as you. I need to start getting fit, too!

  3. That's good that you started playing football:) your starting look good too! getting all fit and shaped up! lol..but keep on going with it, work a little harder on it, because some people just give up! but i know you very well that you won't give up til the job is done right for me, I'm the same way but I'm kinda lazy lol Imean, I run almost everyday and work out and stuff with my personal trainer, but its not only that, you have to eat right too, which your doing:) so I'm proud of you, pretty soon all the ladies are gonna gang up on you;) hahaa lovee yaa
