Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is It Right?

It kind of came to me today. I thought about whether it's right or wrong or morally/ethically incorrect to defy an unjust law. For example we all know the story of Socrates, he was innocent for our laws, but he was corrupting the society by instilling all these ideas and defying the gods. In the end he chose to stay in jail when it was possible to escape and take the death sentence. They say his moral fiber was so strong he couldn't have left, but would he have been wrong to? Obviously the sentence was unjust, so would it have been okay for him to run from this?

Even though we must follow the rules and laws that pertain to where we live, should we always ethically follow them? Would it have been okay for any martyr to run from their death sentence because it was wrong? I guess if we always did we could never change what we feel is wrong and unjust? How do you feel?

1 comment:

  1. I feel like if a law is unjust an incorrect we should try to get it taken away. I don’t mean a stupid law like legalizing marijuana, but I mean something of importance like gay marriage for example. Many laws say that they shouldn’t get married because it is incorrect according to the bible and all that wack religion. And even though we're suppose to have a separation of church and state, it doesn’t seem like we do, and laws that go against the natural rights of humans, should be taken away and opposed by many people.

    There are unjust laws everywhere, and if people didn’t take a stand then the world wouldn’t be what it is today. Some laws are wrong and people need to rise against them to rectify their problems. If blacks would’ve never fought for their freedom then they would still be discriminated against by LAW. Thanks to the civil rights act, that’s all over, but people did have to fight for them and go against them. Some laws are wrong so I definitely think we should go against them if they are clearly wrong.
