Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I was going to write this whole thing about caring about everyone, caring for yourself and nothing at all, but as I was writing it I noticed the whole thing was contradicted and for me to write it would have been hypocritical. I was gonna say how you should care about yourself and what you think rather than what everyone else thinks and I was making examples on how I care about what I know and not everyone else. Now I realize it's good to care about what everyone says and does, for me it gives me drive and motivation. I do better. I push myself because I have confidence and swagger and I know what I can do, but I realized its other people who give me the real push to be all I can be. People love to criticize and "hate" I love to take the negative and turn it into a positive. When people tell me I can't I don't go and smother myself in it. When people tell me I can't I know I can and it pushes me from the can't to the can and have. I love when I prove people wrong. There's so much more I've accomplished after I've been told I couldn't.

For example when I've gotten into fights (not physical) with people lately all they can say about me is call me fat. I know I'm not and my friends tell me I'm not, but obviously I'm not skinny I'm just big. So I being the way I am would just love to see how people react when they see me now. I still have a long way to go until I can really show off and have the last laugh, but it's just a way something negative drives me to be better and do better. Instead of believing what people say and indulging in bad qualities you should turn it into some good unless you love what you have because then those people can just go somewhere.

In the end it doesn't even matter, I know, but it's just how I like to handle my situations. Sure it can turn bad like everything else in life that's why you have to be smart about what you do. So I say go out there and listen to what negative things people think and say and change them for the better.

"Only enemies speak the truth. Friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty"
-Stephen King


  1. Wow, lol ummm all i can say is that you should care about yourself and also car about the pepole that care about you, like me(:. anyways, yeah just don't listen to those people who don't car about you because those people are just going to bring you down eavh and every day but like you said you try harder and harder to bring yourself back up again.

  2. well kevin I agree with you and at the same time I don't. Its totally great that you want to change something from a negative perspective to a positive one, people should do that more often, I bet you we would have way less confrontations in this world either with politics or with self- respect. At the same time I don't agree with you because it seems to me that you tend to bring the negative to the positive because you want to prove people wrong, and you listen to what people say and from their cristicism is when you change to the better.I believe you should change for your self you seem to be a wonderful person and I find it great that you have so much motivation. If it's what makes you happy then keep doing your thing.

  3. I agree with what you said. I listen to people's criticism alot and like to hear what they say. It may not be nice, but I try to use it to my advantage. Sometimes in basketball I get that, and I use it to drive me to do better and play harder the next time I go out on the court.
