Thursday, February 12, 2009

Who Am I?

Who am I? Who are you?
Does your name define you or do you define your name?
It seems like we're actors playing these roles everyday. I can be accused of this I know I wake up with a reputation to uphold and I don't want people to think anything different than what I see. I feel so cliche with some of the things I want to say like why are we here or what's the point. Usually I just say to live and make the way for the next generation, but who knows.
We know what we are to ourselves, but what are we to others? So do we define ourselves or do others define us? Is our actions or words? Probably the mix of both and also what's inside and what shows. A melting pot of you like what you are and where you come from to everything we go through makes us who we are. I feel like everything I say just leads to another question. We could spend lifetimes figuring everything out, but to understand is to not understand.... I guess.

"Life is like a dictionary, Define yourself"


  1. WOW thats deep and so true. We do always ask ourselves how do we comeout to people and what do they think about us? but some advice maybe you should stop thinking about the things that others think of you, not only what people expect from you but the person they believe or put you out to be. focus on what you want and what you want o be and the rest will just shine on to people.

    "An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind".
    M.K. Gandhi

  2. Well as long as you don't change your personality or attitude towards someone than were good. other than that your a really great kid, that's why I've gotten so close to you because I can talk to you about things that I don't talk to anyone else about. I can trust you.

  3. a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet. Our name does not define us. Actually nothing can diffine except ourseleves. Sure people have there own opinions but thats their issue.
