Thursday, February 19, 2009


Life is pretty ironic and funny. We are told that nothing in life is fair and we just have to learn how to deal with it, but the fairest thing in life is death. I realized this when I was little from some cartoon I think. That's not the point though, the point is that it's ironic because it feels like the most not fair thing, but is the fairest thing in life. It's fair because death does not discriminate against race, age, sex, religion. We don't have time just life that we should live. You never know what's going happen next. We would only know what's going to happen if we knew all the causes because we would know the effects accurately. It's just amazing how fair it is because it can happen anywhere anytime. The only time life is fair is when it comes to death it just feels so messed up, but it is what it is. Food for thought. How do you feel about it? All I know is when I die don't cry for me, smile for me.


  1. yo I feel you on this one. Your right in a lot of ways. Death is just death there is no unfair and fair. You never this could be my last month it could be anyone that we know last month. In my opinion i think if you are spoiled and don't get what you want you stop looking at what you don't have and start looking at what you do have and appreciate it more. Because before you know you could be up there looking down on it

  2. You copied me! I did one on death! >:O Hahah.

    Life is fair when you want it to be. That's called karma! =) If you do good, life'll be fair and be good for you. If you do bad, life'll be fair and be bad for you. Hahaha, boy do I know the unfair part of life well. Haha. Ha. Ha... :(

  3. Karma does not exist. Stop blaming your misfortunes on karma. Blame it on yourself.

  4. ^^^^ well he's angry about something.

    Anyway, I think death is like an escape from life. Death is just...death. Live your life as much as you can now and enjoy it and all, but all the band things that happens during life don't happen when you die. Granted, I obviously don't know what happens when you die, but thats my take on it.
