Monday, February 2, 2009


Emotions, Feelings..... They're gay. I don't mean really mean happiness and joy or sadness, but more of the emotion and feelings of the heart. Being cold hearted would let you make the best most reasonable solutions to problems, but I don't think someone can be down to the bone cold hearted. Anything is possible. I know caring for just yourself sounds selfish, but I want to be in a position where these types of feelings wouldn't affect me and I could maybe live a better life.

I think and know for a fact love and compassion on any level makes you weak. When people are "in love" they do things they would never do if they weren't. On one side I know if there wasn't love in people's hearts then many things would have been left undone because that is the fuel that makes men run. What else could make a person run a 1,000 miles (that white chicks song), start a war (Greeks and Trojans), kill themselves, give up everything they have and literally drive themselves crazy. It's a joke to think how you could live without the thing you loved when you lived with it before. These obsessions control lives and like everything else in this life keep people from living. Love makes you sometimes literally blind, it's amazing.

The biggest problem is people let themselves be lead by emotion rather than thought. This leads to "leaping before looking", drama, and utterly mistakes which could have been avoided.
It's always ironic how you want the opposite of what you have like me because i feel too much I think and fall for my emotions. The good part is that i think before my actions, you become a mastermind like that and it saves you from looking like an asshole dumbass.


  1. I know that quote very well. "Anything is possible." Really you should cite your quotes =p.

  2. Even though people are cold hearted, those are the kind of people that are selfish and only think about themselves which i dislike very much, because in life you should just care more than yourself, I mean in your position you could care about your self but you can't get to cocky because there's always someone out there for you just waiting for that right moment.

  3. Yeah Kevinsito! You should really start CARING about others. I agree with relationship girl.
